Yin Fu Style Bagua Zhang (Eight Trigrams Palms)

Bagua Zhang, also written as Baguazhang (Pinyin spelling) and Pa Kua Chang (Wade/Giles spelling), translated as “Eight Trigrams Palms,” is derived from the Daoist theory of the Yi Jing (The Book of Changes). This is the oldest of the Chinese classical texts and has been used for more than 5000 years as a system of cosmology and philosophy to aid in making decisions and predicting the future.

Bagua Zhang is an internal Chinese martial arts method. Its true origins are obscure, and it is impossible to ascertain when or by whom the style was created. The first master to teach Bagua Zhang openly was the famed Dong Haichuan, who taught it in the mid-1800s in Beijing. However, it is believed that the method has much older origins.

Of all the names recorded on Dong Haichuan’s tomb who are recognized as having trained with the great master, the most famous was Yin Fu. He was Dong’s first student and trained with him for over twenty years, learning the complete system from him.

Yin Fu, already an expert in Luohan (some versions have it that he was an expert in Lian Huan Tui (“Continuous Kicks”) and She Xin Quan (“Snake Tongue Palm”)) started learning from Dong around the mid-1860s. Some of the distinguishing characteristics of Yin Fu Bagua are the great variety of kicks and the Niushe Zhang “Ox Tongue Palm,” both of which can be attributed to Yin’s previous training.

As with other internal methods, Yin Fu Bagua places great emphasis on practicing Zhan Zhuang (“Post Standing”). Beginners then learn various stances and stepping methods: Lien Huan Tui (basic kicking techniques), Dong Shi Ba Zhang (“Fixed Form Eight Palms”), and Xiao Kai Men (“Little Open Gate”).

Bagua is based on circle walking while employing various palm changes. Dong Shi Ba Zhang is fundamental for developing dexterity and speed in walking, building strong legs and arms, and training the Qi, therefore a great deal of time is dedicated to its practice. To sink the Qi and develop Jin, and not rigid strength, students must learn to circle walk in a firm but relaxed manner. Xiao Kai Men practice is also instrumental in training the waist, strengthening the tendons, and opening the Qi channels. From this training, a student begins to develop an understanding of basic Bagua theory and concepts.

Yin Fu Bagua contains several routines that are performed in a relatively straight line but are infused with some circle walking, such as Yin Zhang (“Yin Style Palm” or “Ox Tongue Palm”), Lien Huan Zhang (“Continuous Palm” or “Lightning Palm”), and Tui Tuo Zhang (“Pushing and Supporting Palm”). Again, the Ox Tongue Palm and the linear forms are attributable to Yin Fu’s Luohan background. These sets are usually learned before progressing to more advanced routines and weapon forms. Also, with more advanced training, the tight fingers of the Ox Tongue Palm will naturally open slightly.

While Post Standing, the Fixed Form Eight Palms, Xiao Kai Men and other basic routines are foundational training, Ba Mu Zhang (“Eight Mother Palms”), also known as Lao Ba Zhang (“Eight Old Palms”), is the core training of the art. The Yi Jing is constructed on the Eight Trigrams, which, when combined, form 64 hexagrams; so, too, the Eight Mother Palms contain 64 techniques and when these palms are combined they form 64 changes.

The Yi Jing theory of change is the basis for Bagua’s fighting principles and concepts. Movements are constantly changing. Winding, spinning, turning, rising and falling actions are combined with lightning palm work while rapidly changing angles and direction. 

The Yin-Yang theory is also important in Bagua, which is why the system is often called Yin-Yang Bagua. Clockwise walking is Yang and counterclockwise walking is Yin. The techniques must also blend hard and soft elements.

The progression of power development in Bagua Zhang is the same as in other internal methods and can be distinguished by the saying “Xing Yi Wei Cui, Taiji Wei Nian, Bagua Wei Qiao.” “Xing Yi uses Crisp Power, Taiji uses Sticking Power, and Bagua uses Clever Power.” The progression of power is achieved in successive stages. First, one achieves Ming Jin (Obvious Power), then An Jin (Hidden Power), and finally, at the highest stage, Hua Jin (Neutralizing Power).

Yin Fu Bagua fighting strategy emphasizes circular movements and seamless attack-and-defense methods. The goal is to get around and behind an opponent and use angular and circular attacks to press the issue and topple him. Once the arms cross and contact is made, the opponent has no space to move or room to breathe.

As noted above, Yin Fu style employs a variety of kicks that are used at varying ranges and toward different targets. While dexterity in high kicking is required, in combat, mostly low kicks are used. The kicking aspect attracted me to the style due to my Long Fist training.

The Yin Fu system of Bagua Zhang includes practice in Pushing Hands (Tui Shou), first with one hand and then with two hands. Although there are some concepts and similarities to Taiji Tui Shou, Yin style Push Hands has some differences; the methods of pushing are brisker and more energetic.

Bagua practice is excellent for keeping fit and enhancing one’s health. Practice exercises the muscles, loosens the joints, and stimulates blood and energy flow. At higher levels, Bagua is an exceptionally effective form of fighting and self-defense.

My Bagua Zhang Lineage

I learned Yin Fu style Bagua Zhang from Grandmaster Tony Yang (Yang Shu-ton). Although I was exposed to Bagua early on I did not have an affinity for it. Sadly, I started serious Bagua training late in my martial arts journey. I teach Bagua only to advanced students because this is a difficult style to learn and hard for beginners to comprehend. I will write about the Liang Style Bagua Zhang that I learned from Grandmaster DiGuoyong in a future post.

Note: Bagua training is only available through private lessons.